
Dementia Symptoms: The 8 Early Symptoms To Look For

Dementia symptoms can vary from person to person and not all symptoms will develop in the same way. ...

A Grand Opening for the ‘Best of Bournemouth’

Our Best of Bournemouth Grand Opening event on 7th September was a fantastic success.  We celebrated...

Living with Dementia Seminar

Fairmile Grange welcomes Terry Eccott on Tuesday 30th May.  He will be giving a presentation on Livi...

Certificate Achievement for End of Life Care

We are delighted to announce that Hamble Heights has received the certificate for delivering the 6 Steps End of Life Programme.

Memory Walk

Team members from Hamble Heights took part in a Memory Walk for Alzheimer’s Society on Saturda...

Winning BBC Radio 2 story about dementia by 10 year old Clara

500 Words from BBC Radio 2 is a writing competition that was designed to encourage children to enjoy reading, writing and being creative.  It is now the most successful story-writing competitions for kids in the world!

Dementia Awareness Week

This year during Dementia Awareness Week, the Alzheimer’s Society is encouraging anyone who worried about dementia to confront their concerns and get in touch.  At Hamble Heights, we have been raising the profile of Dementia Awareness Week within the care home in our own way by creating a music video….!


Pumpkin Power!

There were spooky goings-on at Hamble Heights last weekend when this Lollypop Pumpkin appeared in reception….!

Supporting National Dementia Awareness Week

Yesterday at Hamble Heights, we held an Afternoon Tea and Raffle in support of National Dementia Awareness Week.