
Why we’re all finding joy in the simple things – and how to keep it up

Noticing the colour of the sky more? Got a newfound appreciation for your outdoor space? At Encore C...


Mental Health Awareness Week: Why kindness is good for the mind

With this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May) focusing on the power and potential of kin...

TE Encore Care Homes Fairmile Grange

Encore Care Homes welcome MP Tobias Ellwood for volunteer visit

The team at Fairmile Grange Care Home were pleased to welcome Bournemouth East MP, Tobias Ellwood to...


10 ways to make family video calls more fun

We have been supporting our residents and care teams throughout the lockdown. As we continue to keep...


The amazing health benefits of a 30-minute walk

It is no secret that walking is good for us. Right now, millions of us have been getting used to a s...

How to identify 10 common garden birds from your window

There’s nature all around us and it’s now during lockdown that we have the time to appreciate our wi...

Five of the best video-call apps for keeping in touch with family

Our residents are staying in contact with families online, as the battle to prevent the spread of co...

Great Oaks 122

Surprise food parcels and Easter eggs delivered to care home teams

The Encore Care Homes Management Team surprised staff across our four care homes today with over 400...


Six reasons to take vitamin C

Many of us will reach for the vitamin C if we’ve caught a cold, or want to avoid getting one. But no...